Collection: Soothers & Dummies

Discover the soothing collection of dummies and soothers, crafted to provide comfort and calm for your little one. Specially designed to mimic the feeling of breastfeeding, these items are made from safe, high-quality materials to ensure your baby's health and happiness. Whether it's nap time or a fussy moment, our collection offers a variety of styles and colours to suit your baby's preferences. Say goodbye to tears and hello to tranquillity with our range of pacifiers and soothers, designed to bring peace of mind to both you and your little one. Shop now and experience the magic of soothing comfort!

Soothers & Dummies FAQs

Soothers and dummies can provide several benefits for babies, including calming and comforting them, especially during times of distress or discomfort. They can also help babies fall asleep more easily and reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) during naps and bedtime. Additionally, soothers can help satisfy a baby’s natural sucking reflex, providing a sense of security and relaxation.

Yes, soothers and dummies are generally safe for newborns when used correctly. It's important to choose a soother that is appropriate for your baby's age and to follow the manufacturer's guidelines. Always ensure the soother is clean and in good condition, and never attach it to your baby with a string or cord to avoid the risk of strangulation. Regularly inspect the soother for signs of wear and replace it as needed.

It's recommended to replace your baby's soother or dummy every one to two months, or sooner if there are any signs of damage or wear. Check the soother regularly for cracks, tears, or other damage that could pose a choking hazard. If the soother is showing signs of deterioration, it's best to replace it immediately to ensure your baby's safety.

Prolonged use of soothers and dummies can potentially affect your baby's teeth development if used beyond the recommended age. It is advisable to gradually wean your baby off the soother by the age of two to prevent any impact on their dental development. Consult with your paediatrician or dentist for personalised advice on the appropriate time to stop using a soother.

To clean and sterilise your baby's soother or dummy, start by washing it with warm soapy water, then rinse thoroughly. You can also use a sterilising solution or steam steriliser for added hygiene. Ensure the soother is completely dry before giving it back to your baby. Regular cleaning and sterilisation are crucial to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and keep your baby safe.

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